Social Justice & Missions



Social Justice Books for Children


Responding Effectively to Christian Nationalism 
Leaders  -Brian Kaylor, Beau Underwood 

Talking With Kids About Injustices
Leader - Sara Pantazes

How Can Churches Prevent Gun Violence?
Panelists - Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan, Jr., Rev. Dr. Sherry Molock, Rev. Deanna Hollas

Creating Innovative Responses for Churches in The Turbulent 2020s
Leader - Tom Sine

Becoming a Mental Health WISE Congregation
Leader - Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund
WISE Slides

The Call to Dangerous Worship: Leaning Into the Risks, Rewards, and Rebellions of Sunday Morning
Leader - Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart
The Call to Dangerous Worship_Slidedeck

How Community Organizing Practices Can Strengthen Congregational Life
Leader - Rev. Chris Dela Cruz

Blessed Youth: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness With Children and Teens
Leader - Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund

Here: The Dot We Call Home - Meet the Author!
Leader - Laura Alary

Raising Race-Wise Families in a Race-Challenged World
Leader - Helen Lee

Raising Race-Wise Families Slides

Awkward Silence: Practical Ways to Confront Racism
Leader - Shani E. McIlwain

Church Lighting 101: Evaluate and Update Your Lighting to Reduce Cost
Leader - Steve Jones
Church Relamping 2022

Parenting for a Better World
Leaders - Susanna Snyder, Ellen Ott Marshall

Developmental Concerns Regarding Children and Youth and Covid
Leader - Dr. Elizabeth Geiling, PhD, LMHC, LPC
Impact of Covid on Children

How Broad Based Community Organizing Might Transform the Church
Leaders: Chris Dela Cruz, Shani McIlwain, Katrina Pekich-Bundy

Worship and Ministry with People with Disabilities
Leader - Harriet Wilkin
Worship and Ministry with People with Disabilities

The Micah Paradigm: From "Just Fine" to Transformative Justice with Children and Youth
Leaders - Kelly Demo, Barbara McCall
Building a Developmental Framework

Equal Exchange: Connect with Small Farmers this Holiday Season and Beyond
Leaders: Equal Exchange

Finding Intentional Community Online: The Story Of Queeranteen Camp
Leaders: Drew Stever, Hazel Salazar-Davidson

Urban Village: An Upside Down Gospel for Living in the City
Leaders: InnerCHANGE East Harlem
BIOS Urban Village

Hope Beyond Pandemic
Leader: Bruce Epperly

Body Beloved: Embodiment, the Church, and Creating a Healthy Culture
Leader: Rev. Heidi Carrington Heath

When the Center Does Not Hold: Leading in the Age of Polarization
Leader: David Brubaker
Leading in an Age of Polarization 2020

Holy Chaos: Creating Connection in Divisive Times
Leader: Amanda Henderson
Holy Chaos Presentation

Immigration 101
Leader: New York Justice For Our Neighbors
Immigration 101

Intro to Prison Ministry: Everyone Can Do Something!
Leader: Marilyn Schneider
Prison Ministry Resources

Doing Justice Starts Intergenerationally
Leader: Melissa Cooper


Holy Discontentment Booklet
This document serves as a blueprint for Presbyterians who wish to engage more deeply with civic life and move their community deeper into advocacy and organizing for just public policy.


Building Faith
This website, a ministry of the Virginia Theological Seminary, has a list of bullying links and resources.

A Sampling of Resources on Bullying
This list of bullying resources comes from the Massachusetts Conference of the UCC.

What Church Members Can Do About Bullying
The UMC website provides suggestions to prevent bullying.


Faith vs. Fear Bible Study
This free downloadable 5-session study from the United Church of Christ is a faith response to gun violence.

God, Not Guns, Sabbath Worship Guide
The God Not Guns project, a program of the Brady Center To Prevent Gun Violence, is an interfaith partnership consisting of faith-based groups that work to educate the public about gun violence by promoting community awareness and grassroots mobilization.

Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit
This downloadable resource from the PCUSA provides educational resources, online links, recommended reading and documentaries, guidance for small group conversations, pastoral and worship resources and suggestions for action and advocacy.

Kingdom Dreams, Violent Realities
The United Methodist Church offers this free, three session, downloadable study with reflections on gun violence from Micah 4:1-4, along with discussion questions.


A Day in the Life
Through exploration of a typical day, young people are exposed to the lives of others around the world. This packet from PCUSA may be used as a 4-part series of learning units or adapted to a weekend retreat setting. It includes a leader's guide, posters, and reproducible materials.

Bread for the World
This organization's mission is to educate and equip people to advocate for policies and programs that can help end hunger. They offers tools for faith leaders.

Crop Hunger Walk
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world. This website offers resources for organizing a walk.

ELCA World Hunger
The Lutheran Church ELCA has Advent and Lent studies on world hunger, as well as VBS programs and other resources on the topic.

Eliminating the Causes of Hunger
The Presbyterian Hunger Program has collected this list of ideas for congregations and others who are interested in serving in ways that help eliminate the causes of hunger.

The Fast That I Choose
The Society of St. Andrew offers this six-session study on hunger as a free download.

Food Relief Activities
This downloadable PDF document from The Presbyterian Hunger Program suggests food relief activities for your congregation, conference, youth, or mission trip to help meet needs in your community and globally.

This free, downloadable Hunger-Focused Bible Study in 10 Lessons for Young People and Adults comes from the Society of St. Andrew. You can also download Mission Photos to accompany Old Testament Lessons and Mission Photos to accompany New Testament Lessons.

Is There Enough
This 5-session curriculum for children deals with the issue of hunger, with Biblical themes addressing our responsibility to share. There are lesson plans for preschool, kindergarten – second grade, and upper elementary ages.

Just Eating: Practicing Our Faith at the Table
This seven-session curriculum for small groups calls on people to integrate the commitments and practices of their faith into the way they eat. There is also a Just Eating Middle School Curriculum available in English and Spanish, as well as adaptations for African American audiences and Latino audiences.

Presbyterian Hunger Program Bible Study
This one-session Bible study will give participants the opportunity to reflect on the biblical call to work as partners with people who have been made poor in order to address hunger and its causes.

Study Guides for Food and Hunger
These six guides from Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University integrate Bible study, prayer, and worship to help us explore Christian attitudes about food and responses to world hunger.

World Renew
This website has resources for churches to raise awareness and funds in the fight against world hunger, including worship materials, videos, kids’ activities, and more. Churches can also host a Dinner for Good, cooking together with friends and family without the added expense of a night out, and then donating the money saved to combat hunger.



Immigration Issues
Resources are available here from the PCUSA on a number of issues related to immigration.

You'll find here information about the UCC's stance on immigration, how congregations can take a stand on immagration, the sanctuary movement, and more. 

Immigrant Focused Curriculum

As the Citizen Among Us: Loving the Immigrant as Ourselves
This seven-session downloadable study from Christians for Social Action is designed to help churches understand and interact with the difficult issue of immigration.

Becoming the Church Together
This six-session free, downloadable curriculum comes from the North Carolina Council of Churches.

Five Study Guides for Immigration
These study guides from Baylor University integrate Bible study, prayer, and worship to help participants negotiate the boundaries of citizenship and faithful discipleship as
they care for immigrants.

Sanctuary Church

Sanctuary Church for Immigrants:
This article from the Inurance Board looks at insurance and risk management implications associated with the sanctuary movement in churches.

Sanctuary Movement
This website is for congregations standing in solidarity with immigrants and providing spaces of sanctuary for individuals facing deportation or targeted by hate. Learn more about how to engage in this movement and download resources.


Church World Service - School Kits
School kits give children in impoverished schools, refugee camps, or other difficult settings some of the basic tools for learning. A shopping list and links where to buy bags are included.

Jerry Can Curriculum
This curriculum from Presbyterian Gifts highlists the need for clean water to survive. It's available in both 1- and 5-sessions and includes lessons on disaster response and activities that show how children can be involved with prayer and generosity to make a difference in the lives of people in need.


How to Preach A Justice Sermon
These insights from Long Island Jobs with Justice Faith Leaders’ Focus Groups include tips on Justice Preaching; interfaith resources for preaching about justice are included.


Prison Ministry Resources
This list of resources for prison ministry was compiled by Marilyn Schneider, the presenter of our recorded webinar "Intro to Prison Ministry."

What to Do if a Friend Has Been Arrested
The O'Mara Law Group offers helpful information if a friend or loved is arrested, such as their rights, your rights, and what you can do to help them, especially if they struggle with an illness, disability or mental health issue.


Children's Community School
This website has resources for talking with children about social justice issues, such as race, gender, and class.

Please help us keep this information up to date.Send Us an E-Mail when you find a broken link!


Anti-racism Policies resources can be found on the Management & Organization page of our Online Resource Center. 

Anti-racism Resources for Adults 

Amplify Media Resources on Race
They are offering free videos ranging from 1-17 minutes.

Anti-racist Resources from Trinity Church Wall Street
This is a list of suggested resources dealing with systemic racism in the United States aimed at encouraging conversation, contemplation, and change leading to a more just society. It includes videos, articles, and a podcast.

Boston University School of Theology
These anti-racism resources include books, articles, media, art, poetry, resource lists, etc.

Clergy Emergency League
These resources are made available by the Clergy Emergency League, which was founded in response to "Trump...using Christianity to justify a version of 'law and order' that is based on white supremacy."

The Color of Compromise
This video study reveals chilling connections between the church and racism throughout American history. There are 12 episodes, averaging about 20 minutes each, and the video is being offered at no cost to those with Amazon Prime.

The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Requiem for Ahmaud Arbery
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, Jr.’s cinematic sermon was preached at Trinity UCC in Chicago on Sunday, May 17, 2020.  There was also a discussion after the sermon by four respected thought leaders, who discussed the impact of historical and present-day acts of racism and violence towards African Americans and how the Christian Church can be actively involved in dismantling racism.

How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
A downloadable book club kit with discussion questions is available for the book.

How Long, O Lord? Essays and Resources Addressing Racism
This list of articles from the Ministry Matters website spans several years and addresses multiple national moments of violence and grief concerning racism.

Just Mercy Movie Discussion Guide
This discussion guide is for the movie Just Mercy which tells the story of black lawyer Bryan Stevenson defending those wrongly condemned or not afforded proper representation.

The Lion and the Lamb
This 16-minute YouTube video by John Dorhauer is a biblical metaphor and reflection on the dismantling of white power, white privilege, and white supremacy.

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
There are a variety of study guides available for this book, as well as a video interview with the author.

Racial Discrimination in the United States College Classroom Activities
This lesson plan includes discussion questions based on two videos from TV news programs: True Colors and America in Black & White: Health Care, the Great Divide

RevGals Anti-racism Project
There are blog posts related to racism as well as suggestions of books for discussions about race. There is also a list of Anti-Racism Resources.

The Thoughtful Christian Adult Studies on Racism
They offer for purchase downloadable adult studies such as Growing Income Inequality in the United States, The Immigration Debate, and Does Ferguson Reflect America?

True Colors
This 16-minute YouTube video (from the ABC News program Primetime Live) shows two individuals, one black and one white, who are sent to St. Louis to explore the differences in how they are treated. They attempt to shop, purchase cars, and rent an apartment. It’s from 2016 and somewhat dated with bad video quality but still valid.

White Savior: Racism in the American Church
This one hour video explores the historic relationship between racism and American Christianity, the ongoing segregation of the church in the US, and the complexities of racial reconciliation. A study based on the video is available called Dialogues On: Race.

Anti-racism Resources for Children

20 Kids' Picture Books to Help Start Conversations About Race, Racism, and Diversity
This blog post is from the website.

Books & Teaching Tips on Race And Racism
This article from the Building Faith website recommends books, websites, and developmental tips for discussing race with children.

Challenging Conversations: A Bibliography About Prejudice, Tolerance, and Diversity
These suggested books from the Storypath website invite conversation about prejudice and discrimination, as well as tolerance and diversity.

Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism
CNN and Sesame Street team up together for this video town hall for kids and families about racism.

The Conversation We Must Have with Our White Children
This article is by Courtney Martin, an author and former columnist for On Being.

Deep Blue Life: Faith and Culture – Anti-racism
This download includes three sessions teaching about "Prejudice and Stereotypes," "Curiosity and Empathy," and "Colors and Cultures." Cokesbury Kids is making it available at no cost.

Don't Forget: A Video Book for Kids About Racism and the Kingdom of God
A three lesson curriculum and printable bookmarks accompany this video book written by Leanne Hadley.

Learning for Justice
This program of the Southern Poverty Law Center was previously called Teaching Tolerance; it seeks to advance the human rights of all people by providing free resources for those who work with children from kindergarten through high school. A magazine is available as well as films chronicling the modern civil rights movement.

A Short Family Guide to Supporting Racial Justice Now
This article is from Wendy Claire Barrie’s Faith at Home blog.

Talking About Race and Racism with Children
Christine V. Hides suggests resources for beginning and continuing the conversation about race with children.

Talking About Race: The Clutes
The Clutes, a traditional Mohawk family from the Akwesasne territory in northern New York State, talk about respect, stereotypes, fairness, justice, and resilience in direct, age-appropriate, and honest ways as they celebrate their culture and community.

Anti-racism Resources for Youth

America and Moore
This website has numerous anti-racism resources for youth.

Anti-racist Resources for Your Youth Group
This list comes from the website of the Christian Reformed Church.

Dismantling Racism: A Youth Curriculum
This six-lesson curriculum is from Church Publishing, the Episcopal Church publisher, and requires training to purchase.

Diversity Lessons from the Episcopal Youth Curriculum
This free download includes eight session plans.

Learning for Justice
This program of the Southern Poverty Law Center was previously called Teaching Tolerance; it seeks to advance the human rights of all people by providing free resources for those who work with children from kindergarten through high school. A magazine is available as well as films chronicling the modern civil rights movement.

Privilege/Class/Social Inequalities Explained in a $100 Race
This YouTube video is a little longer than four minutes.

Responding to Racism
In this free downloadable study from The Thoughtful Christian, youth will identify the role race plays in their own lives.

Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot Movie Discussion Guide
This guide to use with the movie Selma is for grades 6 to 12.

Talking About Race and Privilege
This lesson plan for middle and high school students comes from the National Association of School Psychologists.

Denominational Resources from the Episcopal Church

Building Faith
This website is a ministry of the Virginia Theological Seminary and offers articles and resources related to racism.

Exposing the Doctrine of Discovery
This 14-minute video is intended to inform people about the impact of the Doctrine of Discovery in an effort to respond to God's direction with justice. There are also PDF study guides for small groups of adults, youth, and children. They include Looking at Columbus Day through the Lens of our Baptismal Vows, The Four Directions and the Magnificat, and Seeking God’s Justice for All. Prayers, litanies, and other resources are included in Local Laments Over the Doctrine of Discovery.

Rows of Sharon
This blog by Sharon Ely Pearson, a Christian Educator in the Episcopal Church, includes articles and resources for teaching about and discussing racism. She also has a Pinterest page titled Discussing Racism Resources with a collection of related books and websites.

Seeing the Face of God in Each Other
The Antiracism Training Manual of the Episcopal Church was published in 2011.

Denominational Resources from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Becoming the Body of Christ – Condemning White Supremacy
This YouTube video shows Bishop Kevin Strickland of the Southeastern Synod - ELCA and several panelists discussing the ELCA’s resolution to condemn White Supremacy.

The Every Congregation Challenge
The ELCA Metro New York Synod is challenging every congregation in the Synod to engage in at least one intentional time of learning and conversation about racism this year.

Racial Justice Ministries
This page explains the Racial Justice Ministries of the ELCA and lets you download the document “Explanation of the Declaration of the ELCA to People of African Descent.”

Racial Justice Resource Page
This page of the ELCA offers downloadable resources including reports and social statements.

Talking Together as Christians About Tough Social Issues
This is a 21-page document available for download.

Troubling the Waters for the Healing of the Church
This resource was developed specifically for White congregational members and others to help them understand the role that White privilege and internalized White superiority has had in shaping their own attitudes, belief systems, cultures and those of the church and society at large. The resource is broken down into 18 sessions and a free download is available.

Denominational Resources from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Facing Racism
The anti-racism resources on this site include studies, books and training to equip the greater church to work against racism.

Racial Justice Resources
This page of the PC (U.S.A.) website includes suggestion for the 21-Day Racial Justice Challenge, which invites participants to do something every day to raise awareness about racism and encourage action in response to that awareness.

Denominational Resources from the United Church of Christ

CTUCC Racial Justice YouTube Channel
This collection of videos on racism comes from the Connecticut Conference of the UCC, now part of the Southern New England Conference of the UCC.

Sacred Conversations to End Racism
This curriculum was created in 2018 to address and dismantle racism within the Christian Church and society. The study guide and resources offer lessons to dispel myths of white skin and dominant culture supremacy.

SNEUCC Racial Justice Page
The Southern New England Conference of the UCC provides anti-racism resources.

Welcoming Diversity: An Inventory for Congregations
A sub-committee of the Religion Sector of the GRACE Summit on Racism created this inventory in 2007 to aid congregations seeking to embrace and welcome the diversity of its community. The inventory focuses on six areas: Perceptions, Leadership, Worship, Visual, Educational, and Events.

White Privilege: Let's Talk—A Resource for Transformational Dialogue
This free downloadable adult curriculum is designed to invite church members to engage in safe, meaningful, substantive, and bold conversations on race.

Denominational Resources from the United Methodist Church

Deconstructing White Privilege
This 20-minute video focuses on the oppressive behavior that is born out of white privilege. Dr. Robin DiAngelo is transparent about white privilege couched in explicit and implicit biases. A discussion guide for the film is available.

Suggested Resources for Becoming Anti-racist
These anti-racism resources are from United Methodist General Agencies.

UMC Website
There are articles and lists of resources about racism.


Anti-racism Resources for White People
This document compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein in May 2020 includes links to resources for white parents to raise anti-racist children, as well as links to articles, videos, podcasts, books, films and TV series, and organizations to follow on social media.

Financial Literacy in the Black Community
Closing the racial wealth gap isn’t a simple fix. But many experts say education and financial literacy can help. In this article, we identify the impact this knowledge gap has on the African American community — and explore how Black educators and financial advisors are working to close it.

How to Protect Your Mental Health While Fighting Racial Injustice
This website shares strategies on how to manage the effects of racial injustice and shares advice for coping. It also provides a list of organizations, guides, videos, and more for people fighting racial and social injustice.

Racism: An Additional Curated List of Resources
This blog provides resources for talking about race for parents, children, youth, adults, and faith communities.

Traveling While Black
The Green Book was a critical guide for African-Americans struggling to travel safely in the Jim Crow era. This 360 degree 20-minute video explores its complicated legacy.

Police Brutality and Reform

#8 Can’t Wait
This campaign urges police departments to adopt eight policies which can decrease police violence by 72%.

A Conversation About Growing Up Black
In this 5-minute Op-Doc video African-American boys and young men talk candidly about the daily challenges they face because of the color of their skin.

A Conversation with My Black Son
In this short documentary, parents reveal their struggles with telling their black sons that they may be targets of racial profiling by the police.

A Conversation with Police on Race
In this 6-minute documentary, former officers share their thoughts on policing and race in America.

Get Home Safely: Ten Rules of Survival
The Salt Project created this film based on an influential infographic developed by David Miller after the death of Michael Brown in 2014. The film is available for free download here, for use in online worship (or any other use).

How Parents Talk to Their African-American Sons About the Police
As communities around the nation grapple with questions of race and police brutality, a New York Times short documentary asks parents of African-American boys what they say to their sons about how to respond if stopped by police.

Taking Action

75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
This article offers specific, practical tips for fighting racism.

Advice for White Folks in the Wake of the Police Murder of a Black Person
This blog post is by Justin C. Cohen.

Biblical Advocacy 101
This booklet from the Christian Reformed Church has information on protecting the most vulnerable and marginalized people in our communities through various forms of advocacy.

The Black Church in Action Against Racism During COVID-19
Written toward Black church leaders but accessible and relevant to any church looking to take action against racism while also protecting health during COVID-19, this guide offers practical ways for churches to respond to systemic vulnerabilities, become collective agents of change, develop productive partnerships, and not get weary in well-doing.

Microaggressions Are A Big Deal: How To Talk Them Out And When To Walk Away This 21-minute talk focuses on microaggressions, thinly veiled, everyday instances of racism, homophobia, sexism (and more) that you see in the world. There is also a written transcript of the talk.

Worship Resources

A Litany for Those Who Aren’t Ready for Healing
This was written by Rev. Dr. Yolanda Pierce, Director of the Center for Black Church Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary.

Prayers for Racial Reconciliation and Justice
These come from the Episcopal Church and include four sets of Prayers of the People and a Litany of Repentance and Commissioning for the Ministry of Justice and Reconciliation.