Spiritual Practice



The Art of Daily Living Series
with artist and pastor Rev. Suzanne L. Vinson.

  • Releasing and Receiving
  • Carving Space for Ritual and Rhythm
  • Wide Open Spaciousness
  • Practices of Mindful Compassion
  • Trusting Your Inner Wisdom

Contact Us for access to these recorded workshops. (approximately 1 hour each).


Journal Sheets
The Labyrinth Prayer website offers free printable journal sheets which provide questions for reflection.

Labyrinth for Personal Journaling
This is a downloadable page which introduces the snapshot method of journaling with the labyrinth; it includes space for journaling.

Walking the Pilgrim’s Path
This booklet includes information about the labyrinth, questions for reflection before walking the labyrinth, suggestions for how to walk the labyrinth, and reflection questions for journaling after walking the labyrinth.

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The Labyrinth Company
The Labyrinth Company designs and builds walkable labyrinths in all media for temporary or permanent use. They sell a Paver Labyrinth Kit and a Garden Labyrinth Template.

The Labyrinth Society
This is an international group of labyrinth enthusiasts whose mission is to support all those who create, maintain, and use labyrinths

This site has resources for labyrinth facilitators, leaders, hosts, workers, builders, clergy, researchers and the curious.

Pilgrim Paths
This website explores the history of labyrinths and their meaning.

Tools for Prayer - Walk The Labyrinth 
This post on the Godspace blog reviews the history and symbolism of the labyrinth, along with suggestions for walking it.

Veriditas trains and supports labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offera meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation.

World-Wide Labyrinth Locator
This is an easy-to-use database of labyrinths around the world, including their locations, pictures, and contact details.


Personal Spiritual Retreat: 24 Hrs. With God
A Ministry Today magazine article discusses how to have a personal spiritual retreat.

Retreat Day 
This website shows how to enjoy your own one-person, one-day spiritual retreat at no cost.


Pray without Ceasing
This website of the Methodist Church in the UK has ideas for different ways of praying, sample prayers, etc.

Spirituality & Practice
This site provides resources for spiritual journeys in all faiths and practices, including courses, books, films, a blog and more.


Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tool 
This page of the ELCA website has a quick survey you can take to identify your spiritual gifts.

Spiritual Gifts Inventory
This page of the United Methodist Church's website has an online spiritual gifts assessment.

Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Survey
This tool is not an exam, but a simple questionnaire giving you a profile of your God-given spiritual gifts.

What's Your Spiritual Type
Upper Room Ministries offers a spiritual types test. There is also a link to a spiritual types test discussion guide to purchase.


Centering Prayer
This app includes a timer as well as opening and closing prayer options. You can choose different sounds and backgrounds for your prayer time. There are also instructions for learning Centering Prayer.

These devotionals for youth and adults are comprised of 5 steps: pause, listen, think, pray, and go.

Divine Office
This app offers a daily prayer pattern based on the Catholic Liturgy of the Hours, an ancient and meditative collection of psalms, hymns, and scripture that represents the public prayer of the Christian community.

The Practice Co Devotionals
The Practice Co is a new Australian-based resource with a faith-based spiritual vibe and non-churchy language. Each day includes a mindful prompt to get you thinking and devotions designed to nurture your curiosity and wonder.

Pray as You Go
This daily prayer and meditation app allows you to listen as you travel. A new prayer session is produced every day of the working week with one session for the weekend. It is founded in Ignatian Spirituality and uses the imagination to enter more deeply into prayer.

Reimagining the Examen
The spiritual practice of Examen is based on St. Ignatius’s 500-year-old prayer. This app will guide you through reflection on your day, helping you invite God into your daily life. You can choose an Examen that matches your current state or pray that day’s scheduled reflection.